
IJSM - International Journal of Shape Modeling

Publisher: World Scientific
Online ISSN: 1793-639X
Year Range: 1994 - Current Year
Numbers per year: 2
Official Homepage: http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijsm
Access: free, abstracts and full-text available
Access Points: journal | Available Issues
Fields of study: Shape modeling, Image and Graphics Applications

The main goal of computer graphics and computer vision is to discover the essential rules of representing and generating shapes. Shapes are fundamental attributes of visible objects, and reasoning about the shape is a common way of describing and representing real objects in computer science, engineering, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, and even in one's daily life. Research on shape information is hence multidisciplinary.

From this point of view, the International Journal of Shape Modeling is aimed at creating a suitable environment for exchanging research results obtained in advanced theories and techniques devised for handling the shape of objects, pointing out the three main aspects of modeling: disciplines, roles, and applications.

Shape modeling should be intended both in a creative and an analytical sense.
On the one hand, a precise definition of shape characteristics is an essential step for reproducing certain features in synthetic objects (eg. computer graphics), while on the other hand, mathematical models for shapes are needed to perform tasks, such as shape classification, recognition and characterization (eg., computer vision).

The journal also includes topics regarding the necessary advanced mathematical theories for describing and analyzing shapes, such as
- differential geometry,
- differential topology,
- the singularity/catastrophe theory,
- fractal theory,
- theory of topological atoms, molecules, and
- Hamiltonian systems.

Международный журнал по моделированию графических форм
Издатель: World Scientific
Online ISSN: 1793-639X
Годы выпуска: 1994 - настоящее время
Периодичность выпуска - 2 номера в год
Официальный сайт: http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijsm
Доступ: свободный, доступны аннотации и полные тексты
Просмотр: Журнал | Доступные выпуски
Области исследований: Моделирование графических форм