
IGTR - International Game Theory Review

Publisher: World Scientific
Online ISSN: 1793-6675
Year Range: 1999 - Current Year
Numbers per year: 4
Official Homepage: http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/igtr
Access: free, abstracts and full-text available
Access Points: journal | Available Issues
Fields of study: Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory

Rapid developments in technology, communication, industrial organization, economic integration, political reforms and international trade have made it increasingly imperative to recognize the causes and effects of strategic interdependencies and interactions.
A strategic approach to decision-making is crucial in areas such as trade negotiations, foreign and domestic investments, capital accumulation, pollution control, market integration, regional cooperation, development and implementation of new technology, arms control, international resource extraction, network sharing, and competitive marketing.

Since its inception, game theory has contributed significantly to the foundations of decision-making.
As socio-economic and political problems increase in complexity, further advances in methodology, techniques, empirical investigations and applications of game theory are called for.

International Game Theory Review (IGTR) has been initiated in response to this need.
Addressing and reviewing designs, problems, solutions, and applications pertaining to the game theoretic analysis of strategic decisions, IGTR aims at maintaining a balanced interest between theory and applications.

Game theoretic reasoning possesses a vast potential in social, economic, political and military affairs, and game theory can be advanced and enriched by the investigation of issues drawn from real-world decision-making.

IGTR will feature:
• Regular articles on theory, methodology and application of games;
• A 'Notes Section' for short papers, technical notes, communications, comments and critiques;
• Case studies that enhance the understanding of the practice of decision-making;
• Contributions that address issues pertaining to communication and interaction between researchers and policy makers;
• Papers dealing with numerical analysis, simulations, computational algorithms and computer software.

Международный обзор по теории игр
Издатель: World Scientific
Online ISSN: 1793-6675
Годы выпуска: 1999 - настоящее время
Периодичность выпуска - 4 номера в год
Официальный сайт: http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/igtr
Доступ: свободный, доступны аннотации и полные тексты
Просмотр: Журнал | Доступные выпуски
Области исследований: Искусственный интеллект, Теория игр