
AROBOTS - Autonomous Robots

Publisher: Springer. Sponsored by AAAI
ISSN: 1573-7527 (electronic version)
ISSN: 0929-5593 (print version)
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Gaurav S. Sukhatme, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Editorial Board
Year Range: 1994 - Current Year
Numbers per year: 4
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Access: abstracts and some full-texts available
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Fields of study: Theory of Autonomous Systems, Autonomous Robots

The primary goal of Autonomous Robots is to report on the theory and applications of robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. Thus, the journal is aimed at the growing trend in robotics toward mobility, intelligence and autonomy in an unstructured world. This trend has been made possible by small, inexpensive, high-performance computers.
The term "robot" implies that the systems described here are capable of performing purposeful behaviors in the real world. They obtain inputs from the world through sensors and act upon the world through actuators. The connection between sensing and actuation may be simple signal processing or it may involve complex decision making, goal interpretation and other aspects of reasoning.
Most autonomous systems display some form of mobility: on land, under water, in the air or in space. The mobility may make use of wheels, legs, fins, rotors or other actuators. The focus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether the system is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.

Specific topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
• Control of autonomous robots
• Real-time vision
• Autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles
• Legged vehicles
• Computational architectures for autonomous systems
• Distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation
• Studies of autonomous robot systems
• Sensor fusion
• Theory of autonomous systems
• Terrain mapping and recognition
• Self-calibration and self-repair for robots
• Self-reproducing intelligent structures
• Genetic algorithms as models for robot development.

Related subjects:
Autonomous Robots Blog -

Автономные роботы (журнал - печатное и электронное издание)
Издатель: Springer
Годы выпуска:  1994 - настоящее время
Периодичность выпуска: 4 номера в год
Официальный сайт:
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Области исследований: Теория автономных систем, Автономные роботы