Artificial Intelligence

AI Magazine
Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), USA
Year Range: 1988-Current Year
Numbers per year: 4 (quarterly)
Official Homepage:
Access: free
Access Points:  papers
Fields of study: Artificial Intelligence (all fields)
AI Magazine is an official publication of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. From these pages, you can access editorial, advertising, and subscriber information about the publication.
Called the “journal of record for the AI community,” AI Magazine helps AAAI members stay abreast of significant new research and literature across the entire field of artificial intelligence. This publication features timely, feature-length articles, consistently crafted to be clear enough to permit specialists to review work outside their particular area of expertise.

Журнал ИИ - Журнал (бюллетень)
Издатель - Американская ассоциация ИИ (AAAI)
Годы выпуска: 1988 - настоящее время
Периодичность выпуска - 4 номера в год (ежеквартально)
Официальный сайт:
Доступ: свободный
Просмотр:   papers
Области исследований: Искусственный интеллект (все области)