Brom, CyrilPogamut is a cognitive architecture designed to develop and improve continuously a research platform for investigating and teaching mechanisms of action selection of virtual agents. Developed by a research group of Cyril Brom  at Univerzitě Karlově v Praze, Česká republika (Department of Software and Computer Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic).
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Когнитивная архитектура Pogamut разрабатывается исследовательской группой под руководством Кирила Брома (Cyril Brom) в Пражском университете, Чехия (Department of Software and Computer Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic).

Associated pages and groups:
AMIS (Artificial Minds for Intelligent Behaviour Group) research group at Charles University in Prague
AmonI research group at Bath university in UK
Official POSH and SPOSH webpage by Dr. J. J. Bryson, University of Bath, UK

Общие сведения

Pogamut allows user to fast code his virtual character in a virtual world, and solve a number of low level problems such as:
a) connecting to the environment,
b) exporting information about the virtual world or
c) providing a basic path finding.

A list of projects that exploited Pogamut in some way.
- StorySpeak - StorySpeak is a language for the specification of agents programs. This language is especially designed for the authoring of short virtual stories.
- Episodic memory for virtual agent - Episodic memory for virtual agent project designed and implemented a prototype of the episodic memory for virtual humans. The memory was inspired by up to date research on function of human memory for personal events (episodes) and human time perception.
- PojACT-R - PojACT-R is composition of Pogamut, Java and ACT-R. It means that it is plugin which connects Pogamut with cognitive architecture ACT-R, specifically with Java implementation of ACT-R called jACT-R.

Knowledge and experiences are represented using: rules, operators
Main components:
procedural knowledge encoded as reactive rules;

episodic and spatial memory encoded within a set of graph-based structures
Implementation: Java, Python; features ACT-R binding and Emergent binding
Main general paradigms: 3D virtual worlds

Pogamut 3 developer wiki page - contains many usefull information for developers interested in Pogamut 3 platform or users that want to develop a project on top of Pogamut platform. Page holds list of all projects developed on Pogamut platform as well as proposals of new projects and development guidelines.
Pogamut 3 Forums - new Pogamut 3 forum
Pogamut Games - featuring a few projects that are using Pogamut internally
AiGameDev Game AI for Developers (by Alex J. Champandard)
Ai-depot Page about AI development (by Alex J. Champandard)
AIWisdom Site with large database of publications related to AI
Gamasutra Online journal about AI and gaming

1. Human-like artificial Agents - practical part of the lecture below.
2. A lecture on Human-like and Animal-like Agents - tought at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague where Pogamut is used for practice lessons.
3. Action selection for Intelligent Systems This is a popular white paper contributed by Cyril Brom, Charles University, Prague, and Joanna Bryson, University of Bath, UK, to euCognition (pdf).