O'Reilly, Randall SAL (A Synthesis of ACT-R and Leabra) integrated cognitive architecture, developed by a research group under Randall C. O'Reilly at the University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA and John Anderson, Christian Lebiere at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

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Lebiere, ChristianLebiere, Christian
Carnegie Mellon University
Psychology Department
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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Общие сведения
Интегральная когнитивная архитектура SAL (Синтез архитектур ACT-R и Leabra) разрабатывается исследовательской группой (Leabra) в Университете штата Колорадо (University of Colorado at Boulder), Боулдер, Колорадо, США под руководством Рандела C. О’Рейли (Randall C. O'Reilly) и исследовательской группой (ACT-R) в Университете Карнеги-Меллона (Carnegie Mellon University), Питтсбург, Пенсильвания, США под руководством Джона Андерсона (John Anderson) и Кристиана Лебье (Christian Lebiere).

The SAL (A Synthesis of ACT-R and Leabra) Hybrid Cognitive Architecture

ACT-R and Leabra are cognitive architectures in the symbolic and connectionist tradition, respectively.
The SAL cognitive architecture is a synthesis of two well-established constituents: ACT-R, a hybrid symbolic-subsymbolic cognitive architecture, and Leabra, a neural architecture.
Despite widely different origins and levels of abstraction, they have evolved considerable commonalities in response to a joint set of constraints including behavioral, physiological, and brain imaging data.

The combination of the two architectures allows for richer dynamics that take advantage of neural and symbolic aspects and provides mutual constraints that promote convergence towards models that are both neurophysiologically and psychologically valid.
The SAL cognitive architecture is a synthesis of two well-established constituents:
ACT-R, a hybrid symbolic-subsymbolic cognitive architecture, and Leabra, a neural architecture.

salSource: http://psych.colorado.edu/~oreilly/

The SAL  is a hybrid cognitive model that makes use of multi-level and multi-system integration to allow an instructed assembly task to be carried out in way that is noise and error robust.
Specifically, the model shows how higher-level error recovery routines can interface with lower-level sensory, motor, and error detection processes and result in a robustness to noise and noise-induced errors.
Multiple systems and processes operating at multiple levels are recruited to provide a way around the limitations of simpler systems composed of isolated modules that do not allow information to be propagated as easily.
The benefits of this approach provide motivation for the adoption of a generally integrated approach to cognitive systems.

This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research contract number D00014-12-C-0638.
Grant: Neural Mechanisms of Adaptive Human Executive Control, ONR D00014-12-C-0638, 10/12 - 9/17, $400,000/year total costs, awarded to a research and development company eCortex (Randall C. O'Reilly et al.) with CMU subcontract.

Публикации Рандела C. О’Рейли можно найти на сайте Randy O'Reilly's website.
1. The SAL integrated cognitive architecture
by Christian Lebiere, R O’Reilly, DJ J Jilk, Niels A Taatgen, John Robert Anderson, R O'Reilly
2. Integrating Systems and Theories in the SAL Hybrid Architecture. Andrew Szabados1, Seth Herd2, Yury Vinokurov, Christian Lebiere, Randall C. O’Reilly (pdf)