Bach, JoschaMicroPsi is a hybrid cognitive architecture, developed by Joscha Bach (Institute for Cognitive Science,   University of Osnabrueck, Germany and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany), and based on Psi-Theory, developed under Dietrich Dörner at the Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg, Germany. Used as an open-source software in other AI projects.

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Архитектура MicroPsi разрабатывалась как свободное программное обеспечение под руководством Дж. Баха (Joscha Bach) в институте когнитивных наук университета в Оснабрюке (University of Osnabrueck), в Университете им. Гумбольдта (Humboldt University), Берлин, Германия и в компании Klayo AG, Berlin, Germany на основе Psi-Theory, разработанной Дитрихом Дёрнером (Dietrich Dörner) в Университете им. Отто-Фридриха (Otto-Friedrich University in Bamberg, Germany).

MicroPsi 2 has been funded by a Fellowship of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain at Berlin's Humboldt-University from 2010 to 2011. From 2011 to 2012, development efforts on MicroPsi have been supported by Klayo AG, Berlin.

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The MicroPsi Project: Cognitive AIMicroPsi Project | Software

The MicroPsi project has its roots in an architecture for emotional agents, the Artificial Emotion Project. The agents are based on executable semantic networks (for lack of a better name, we refer to them as AEP node nets), and a great deal of our work is concerned with providing and extending a framework to run and test agents.

Overview of the framework

The framework currently consists of a graphical editor and runtime system for node nets, an editor and simulator for agent environments, a console allowing to address components and individual agents running on different computers in a network, some monitoring tools to conduct experiments, and a 3D viewer using the Nebula engine for displaying an immersive view of the simulated agent world. The framework has been written in Java and is provided as a plugin for the popular Eclipse system. Thus, it is truly platform independent.

To design agents in the framework, first the plugin is installed, and then individual agents can be designed within the framework. While we are usually concerned with MicroPsi agents, it is perfectly possible to experiment with totally different concepts, such as Braitenberg vehicles, genetic architectures etc.
However, our main focus is the development of agents according the the MicroPsi architecture. We are always welcoming support and people that are willing to contribute.
Planned enhancements include:
• Planning
• Category Generation
• Language (both simple and construction grammars)
• Control of actual robots
• 3D interaction and more interesting virtual worlds
• Emotional expression
• A-Life simulation

An online resource and documentation is maintained in our SnipSnap Wiki. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding installation and usage of the system, of if you are interested in contributing.

The MicroPsi Project is intended for building cognitive agents. The MicroPsi agent architecture describes the interaction of emotion, motivation and cognition of situated agents, mainly based on the Psi theory of Dietrich Dörner.

The Psi theory addresses emotion, perception, representation and bounded rationality, but being formulated within psychology, has had relatively little impact on the discussion of agents within computer science.

MicroPsi is a formulation of the original theory in a more abstract and formal way, at the same time enhancing it with additional concepts for memory, building of ontological categories and attention. MicroPsi is a small step towards understanding how the mind works.

The agents are virtual creatures that act according to motives that stem from physiological and cognitive urges. They build representations of their environment based on interaction.

Their cognition is modulated according to perceived situations and performance, and thus they undergo emotional states.
The agent framework uses semantic networks, called node nets, that are a unified representation for control structures, plans, sensoric and active schemas, bayesian networks and neural nets. Thus it is possible to set up different kinds of agents on the same framework.


Bach, J. (2012). MicroPsi 2: The Next Generation of the MicroPsi Framework. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI 2012), Oxford, UK: 11-20
Bach, J. (2012). A Framework for Emergent Emotions, Based on Motivation and Cognitive Modulators. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE), 3(1), 43-63
Bach, J., Verdicchio, M. (2012). What Kind of Machine is the Mind? To appear in Proceedings of Turing-100, the Alan Turing Centenary Conference, Manchester, UK.
Bach, J. (2012). Functional Modeling of Personality Properties Based on Motivational Traits. Proceedings of ICCM-7, International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Berlin, Germany. 271-272
Adams, S. S., Bach, J., Coop, R., Hall, J. S., Schlesinger, S., Arel, I., Furlan, R., Samsonovich, A., Shapiro, S. C., Goertzel, B., Scheutz, M., Sowa, J. (2012). Mapping the AGI Landscape (to appear in Journal of Artificial Intelligence)
Bach, J. (2012). Modeling Motivation and the Emergence of Affect in a Cognitive Agent. In Wang, P. (ed). Theoretical Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence. Atlantis Press
Bach, J. (2011). A Motivational System for Cognitive AI. In Schmidhuber, J., Thórisson, K. R., Looks, M. (Eds.) Artificial General Intelligence. Proceedings of 4th International Conference, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. 232-242
Bach, J. (2011). Requirements for Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of Philosophy & Theory of Artificial Intelligence, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Bach, J. (2011). Modeling Emotion as an Interaction between Motivation and Modulated Cognition. Workshop on Standards in Emotion Modeling, Leiden, Netherlands
Bach, J. (2010): Artificial General Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence (On the Singularity of AI). Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy, ECAP 10, Munich, Germany
Bach, J. (2009): Principles of Synthetic Intelligence. An architecture for motivated cognition. Oxford University Press, New York
Bach, J. (2008): Seven Principles of Synthetic Intelligence. Proceedings of 1st Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, Memphis: 63-74
Bach, J. (2007): True Feelings: Functionalist and Descriptionalist Modeling of Emotion. Proceedings of Workshop on Artificial Emotion, KI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany
Bach, J. (2007): Motivated, Emotional Agents in the MicroPsi Framework. Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Cognitive Science, Delphi, Greece: 458-461
Bach, J., Dörner, D., Vuine, V. (2006): Psi and MicroPsi. A Novel Approach to Modeling Emotion and Cognition in a Cognitive Architecture. Tutorial at ICCM 2006, Stresa, Italy
Bach, J., Bauer, C., Vuine, R. (2006): MicroPsi: Contributions to a Broad Architecture of Cognition. In Proc. of KI2006, Bremen, Germany
Bach, J. (2003): The MicroPsi Agent Architecture. Proceedings of ICCM-5, International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Bamberg, Germany (pp. 15-20)
Bach, J., Vuine, R. (2003): The AEP Toolkit for Agent Design and Simulation, Proceedings of MATES 2003, Conference on Multi Agent System Technologies, LNAI 2831, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (p. 38-49)
Bach, J. (2007): Principles of Synthetic Intelligence. Building Blocks for an Architecture of Motivated Cognition. PhD Thesis, University of Osnabrück, March 2007
Bach, J. (2005). MiniPsi, der Mac-Roboter. B. Schwan (ed.): MetaMac Magazin, Berlin, Vol. 46/05 (pp. 11-16)
Vuine, R., Bach, J., ... (Oct 2003). AEP Handbook for developers. Version 0.5b (Information on how to install the AEP agent, how to write code for it, how to use the node editor, glossary etc.)