MARYLAND Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture, developed by the research group of James A. Reggia (Dept. of Computer Science at University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA and University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies - UMIACS), for investigating how multiple systems can be integrated and controlled in a full, large-scale neurocognitive architecture.
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Крупно-масштабная интегрированная нейрокогнитивная архитектура MARYLAND разрабатывается исследовательской группой под руководством Джеймса Региа (James A. Reggia) в составе Отделения вычислительной техники (Dept. of Computer Science) Университета штата Мэриленд (University of Maryland), Колледж-Парк, Мэриленд, США.
Общие сведения
Project Roadmap [2]: The development of a large-scale, integrated neurocognitive architecture, based on the requirements of a continued DARPA BICA program, be organized over a five year period.
Sponsored by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Selected publications
[1] J. Reggia, M.Tagamets,Jose Contreras-Vidal, Scott Weems, David Jacobs, Ransom Winder, Timur Chabuk
Development of a Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture. Part 1: Conceptual Framework
I. Introduction
II. Design Principles for a Neuromorphic Framework
III.Intermediate-Scale Prototype Experiments
IV.Towards a Large-Scale Neuromorphic Architecture
[2] J. Reggia, M.Tagamets, J. Contreras-Vidal, D. Jacobs, S. Weems, W. Naqvi, R. Winder, T. Chabuk, J. Jung, C. Yang Development of a Large-Scale Integrated Neurocognitive Architecture. Part 2: Design and Architecture