jackCoJACK - cognitive architecture, developed under Frank Ritter, Professor of a College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) - Applied Cognitive Science Laboratory (ACS), Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA and Rick Evertsz, cognitive scientist at Autonomous Decision-Making Software (AOS) Group, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
CoJack Project Page | Projects of ACS

Когнитивная архитектура CoJACK разрабатывается под руководством Франка Риттера (Frank Ritter) и Рика Евертжа (Rick Evertsz).

Общие сведения
CoJACK is an ACT-R inspired extension to the JACK multi-agent system that adds a cognitive architecture to the agents for eliciting more realistic (human-like) behaviors in virtual environments.
Knowledge and experiences are represented using Beliefs-Desires-Intentions (BDI) architecture with events, plans/intentions (procedural), beliefsets (declarative) and activation levels.

JACK Intelligent Agents Group provides a forum for communication amongst JACK users.

CoJACK - Achieving Principled Behaviour Variation in a Moderated Cognitive Architecture. Rick Evertsz, Frank E. Ritter, Paolo Busetta, Matteo Pedrotti, Jennifer L. Bittner