ATLANTIS (A Three-Layer Architecture for Navigating Through Intricate Situations) is a cognitive architecture designed initially in 1991 by Erann Gat - Machine Learning Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of technology, Pasadena, California, USA, working on planning and scheduling technologies for several space projects sponsored by NASA, as well as other researchers at the NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, USA.
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Когнитивная трехслойная архитектура ATLANTIS разработана в первоначальном варианте исследовательской группой под руководством Еранна Гата (Erann Gat), в Группе машинного обучения (Machine Learning Group) лаборатории реактивного движения (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - JPL), в Калифорнийском технологическом институте (California Institute of technology), Пасадина, Калифорния, США, работающей над проектами для НАСА.
Общие сведения
Архитектура ATLANTIS (Gat, 1991) является предшественником архитектуры 3T и организует свои знания и поведение очень похожим образом.
Atlantis Description (de-facto standard autonomous mobile robot control architecture)Layers of Behaviors
Atlantis (or A Three-Layer Architecture for Navigating Through Intricate Situations), like the subsumption architecture, is built in layers. In Atlantis, however, all instantiations of the architecture have the same three layers, each of which always performs the same duty.
The Control Layer directly reads sensors and sends reactive commands to the effectors based on the readings. The stimulus-response mapping is given to it by the sequencing layer
The Sequencing Layer has a higher-level view of robotic goals than the control layer. It tells the control layer below it when to start and stop actions.
The Deliberative Layer responds to requests from the sequencing layer to perform deliberative computations.
Atlantis/Capabilities - Cognitive Architecture Wiki
Selected publications
Erann Gat. On Three-Layer Architectures.
Erann Gat, "The ESL User's Guide", unpublished.
Gat, E. (1991). Integrating planning and reacting in a heterogeneous asynchronous architecturefor mobilerobots. SIGART Bulletin,2,17–74.